The Municipality of Bærum aims to send all invoices for services, digitally.

Digital invoices are sent through different channels - as eFaktura (eInvoice), via Vipps or to your digital letterbox (DigiPost) - depending on your preference. If we are unable to get through to you in either of these ways, we will send the invoice as a paper invoice to your home address. However, we urge all our customers to use one of the digital options.

You decide

You decide which channel you want to use for invoices. Before sending the invoice, we check the different channels in order of priority.

The order of priority is as follows:

  • AvtaleGiro (Direct Debit)
  • eFaktura (eInvoice)
  • Vipps
  • DigiPost (Digital letterbox)
  • Paper invoice to your home address

For business customers, the EHF invoice format is ranked at the top. The invoice is sent to companies registered as the recipient of Electronic Commerce Format (EHF) in Difi's ELMA register.

AvtaleGiro/Direct Debit

A Direct Debit is an automatic payment from your bank. This is an agreement set up by you, through your bank.

If you have opted to be notified by your bank when a payment is due, you will receive a paper notification.


With eInvoice you will receive the invoice in your online banking service. You do not need to fill in long KID-numbers or other payment details. You can change the amount and the due date as needed.

You will receive an eInvoice from Bærum municipality if you have an active eInvoice-agreement with the municipality (ordinary eFaktura). You enable this through your online banking service.

It is also possible to combine Direct Debit and eInvoice. The invoice is paid automatically on the due date and the notification is sent as an eInvoice in your online banking service.

Invoice in Vipps

To receive invoices in Vipps, you have to be a user of Vipps and also accept receiving invoices here. This is done in the app settings. Invoices that you receive in Vipps are also available in your online banking service and you decide where you want to pay. You can also use Vipps to pay eInvoices that you previously only received in your online banking service (Vipps eFaktura). When you have paid in the selected channel, for example in Vipps, the invoice disappears from the online banking service.

Using Vipps to pay invoices is easy. You decide whether the payment should be made immediately or on the due date stated on the invoice.

You can find more information on the Vipps website (in Norwegian).

Invoice in Digipost

To receive an invoice in Digipost, you have to create a digital letterbox at If you have already agreed to receive invoices from Bærum via eInvoice or Direct Debit, we will use one of these channels instead of Digipost.

Invoice delivered to your home address

If the system do not get «hits» in any digital channels, we send the paper invoice to your home address. The invoices do not have a giro slip at the bottom. If you want to pay the invoice by sending it to the bank via post, you need to fill out a giro slip yourself.  You can get blank giro slips through your bank or Bærum municipality, telephone 67 50 40 50.

For more information

If you have a query about an invoice you have received from Bærum kommune, please contact