Voksenopplæringssenteret (Adult Education Centre) offers courses in Norwegian, tailormade Norwegian courses for companies and Primary school courses for adults.
We are centrally located in Kunnskapssenteret next to the train station in Sandvika.
Do you need help?
Drop in with your questions every day except Thursdays. Meet us on the 4th floor from 11:50 - 12:30. You can also send us an e-mail: voks@baerum.kommune.no.
Read more about our Norwegian courses
Daytime Norwegian courses
Voksenopplæringssenteret offers Norwegian courses at different levels at daytime. Courses are either 3 or 4 days a week.
For prices and more information, see our webpage (Norwegian only): Norskkurs dag.
For students with an academic background and the possibility to dedicate a considerable amount of time to learning, we have a class with extra rapid progression. Semester 2 and 3 include a work experience placement.
For prices and more information, see our webpage (Norwegian only): Norskkurs for akademikere.
Some of our Norwegian courses include a work experience placement and gives a chance to practise Norwegian with Norwegian colleagues.
For prices and more information, see our webpage (Norwegian only): Norskkurs med praksis.
Evening courses in Norwegian
Depending on demand, we also offer evening courses twice a week, either as a classroom course or digitally on Teams.
For prices and more information, see our webpage (Norwegian only): Norskkurs kveld.
Learn Norwegian at your own pace with our online course
If you appreciate flexibility and have the self-discipline to study by yourself, our online course could be a satisfactory solution for you. For those with the right and obligation to free Norwegian courses, we register maximum 5 hours a week, towards your hours requirement.
For prices and more information, see our webpage (Norwegian only): Nettkurs.
Your educational background and previous training will help to decide which course we recommend. For some courses, students are asked to come for an information meeting before admittance.
Register for Norwegian courses!
Our classes follow the school holidays in Bærum kommune. New classes start in August and January. In addition, we usually start beginners’ classes in October and March and admit students at other levels if places are available. You can register for Norwegian courses on our Website within the stated deadlines.
For registration, see our webpage (Norwegian only): Meld deg på norskkurs.